Monday, December 14, 2009

Camouflage and Christmas Lights

I'm thinking a lot about my son-in-law who is deployed right now in the Middle East. His birthday is in just a few days and Christmas is a few days after that. He's there doing his duty. "Getting in the game," as several military men I've talked to recently call it.

My daughter and her kids are here "in the game" in their own way. Last night, my daughter sang "I'll Be Home for Christmas" for her church Christmas program. It was very difficult for her to do, and she didn't make it through without choking up, but the entire congregation was on their feet when she finished. My 3-year old granddaughter is deeply concerned that baby calves in Farmville are put with the "daddy cows" which, of course, is where she wants to be -- with her daddy.

This holiday season, please keep our military families in your hearts.

from the blog On My Mind Today

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