Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

About 18 months ago, my daughter, son-in-law and only granddaughter moved across country when Ian was reassigned to a new base by the Air Force. Because I've been a single mom for most of my kids lives, we're especially close, so saying good-bye was really difficult for me. I was excited for Vanessa in a way. I've never wanted my kids to live narrow lives, so I was happy that she got to broaden her world, meet new people, and experience new things. Living away has been good for her in a lot of ways. She's growing into an incredible woman, and I'm so proud of her. But that didn't stop me from wanting to be closer, to help when I could, and to maintain a close relationship with her and the incredibaby.

Earlier this year, Wonder Baby #2 came along, and I was lucky enough to spend three months with them, helping out, bonding with the new baby and cementing my relationship with her big sister. it was pure heaven, not just because I got to be with people I loved, but because the area where they're living is truly beautiful. I met many nice people while I was there and other than the humidity, I thought often that I could be happy there.

In fact, my oldest daughter and I set a goal of moving somewhere closer to them by October of this year, and we had every intention of meeting that goal. But then life happened, and plans went askew, and we finally resigned ourselves to staying in Utah for a few years longer. Maybe, we told ourselves, we need to be here, not there. Maybe we should just stay in case Ian gets assigned overseas. Maybe my mom needs me here. Maybe it's just not meant to be.

Last Friday, while I was happily researching for a fun new mystery series I'm working on, the mailman came to the door with a registered letter. Seems our landlady has sold the place we've been living, and the new owner wants us out. He gave us until the 23rd of October to pack up and move. After the shock began to wear off and my head began to clear again, it occurred to me that since we have to pick up everything we own and put it on a truck anyway, maybe we should be in Florida when we take it all off the truck again.

Little by little, the idea began to gel. I did some research. Lots of research. We thought a lot. Talked a lot. Cried a lot, and talked some more. By Sunday afternoon, the decision was made. In spite of myself, I'm actually going to achieve my original goal to be living in Florida by the end of October. It's a little overwhelming, but very exciting.

So here we go -- 23 days and counting! 

from the blog On My Mind Today

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