New Releases

No Place Like Home

Originally published in 1996, No Place Like Home is the second book in the popular Fred Vickery Mystery series. 

To an outsider, the peaceful town of Cutler, Colorado seems untouched by the troubles of the modern world. But Cutler is as good as any big city at guarding its secrets. And it takes someone who has lived there a lifetime to unravel its many mysteries. Someone like Fred Vickery. 

Seventy-three years haven't dampened Fred's enthusiasm for life or his pride in his children, no matter how foolish they may sometimes act. Take his impetuous son, Douglas, for instance. Since his divorce, Douglas has ignored all of Fred's sage advice about moving on with his life. Douglas is determined to reconcile with Suzanne, even though she's not at all interested in getting back together. 

Now Douglas is the only suspect in the murder of Suzanne's new boyfriend. But there's no way Fred is going to sit back and let his son take the rap for murder--no matter what his daughter, his doctor, and the sheriff have to say. Desperate to clear Douglas of suspicion, Fred turns to the one source he knows will eventually reveal the truth--the small-town gossip mill. 

Click here to download a copy on your Kindle. 

No Place for Secrets

Fred and the gang are back and ready for your Kindle! 

Originally published in 1995, No Place for Secrets is the first book in the popular mystery series featuring Fred Vickery and the quirky folks of Cutler, Colorado. 

Cutler is the kind of town where everybody knows his neighbors and nobody locks their doors. There's always time to chat with a neighbor or enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend, and there's nothing like watching the sunset over Spirit Lake.

But looks can be deceiving.

Fred Vickery is a man of a certain age. A minor heart incident now has his old friend Doc Huggins warning him to avoid cholesterol, salt, and caffeine. He wants Fred to rest and avoid excitement. Fred's doing his best to cooperate--at least that's what his overly concerned daughter believes. But cutting down on sodium is a whole lot easier than avoiding excitement, especially when Fred discovers a dead body while on his morning walk.

The victim was new in town (she'd only been in Cutler ten years) but Fred has lived here forever. He knows everyone and he knows exactly what questions to ask. Doc's orders be damned...

Click here to get your copy now! No Place For Secrets (Fred Vickery Mysteries #1)
